Sogang Computer Graphics Lab.



International Papers

  1. Y. Kim, J. Yun, J, Yun, S. Kwak, I. Ihm, "Ray Tracing-based Construction of 3D Background Model for Real-time Stereoscopic Rendering of Live Immersive Video," Virtual Reality, Vol. 28, Article No. 17, January 2024. [video (Hijack)] [video (Gymnasium-a)] [video (Gymnasium-b)] [video (Others)]
  2. J. An, J. Lee, S. Park, I. Ihm, "Integrating Heterogeneous VR Systems into Physical Space for Collaborative Extended Reality," IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 9848-9859, January 2024. [demonstration]
  3. J. An, G. Choi, W. Chun, Y. Joo, S. Park, I. Ihm, "Accurate and Stable Alignment of Virtual and Real Spaces Using Consumer-Grade Trackers," Virtual Reality, Vol. 26, Issue 1, pp. 125-141, March 2022. [video (Conceptual Demonstration)] [video (Hybrid Realities)] [video (Visual Comparison: VR + AR)] [video (Visual Comparison: VR + MR)] [video (Remote Cooperative Work)]
  4. S. Kwak, J. Yun, J. Jeong, Y. Kim, I. Ihm, W. Cheong, and J. Seo, "View Synthesis with Sparse Light Field for 6DoF Immersive Video," ETRI Journal, Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp. 24-37, February 2022. [video (Demonstration)]
  5. W. Seo, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Efficient Ray Tracing of Large 3D Scenes for Mobile Distributed Computing Environments," Sensors, Vol. 22, No. 2:491, January 2022. [System Demonstration]
  6. Y. Kim, Y. Ko, and I. Ihm, "Selective Foveated Ray Tracing for Head-Mounted Displays," 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp. 413-421, Bari, Italy, October 2021. [Video 0] [Video 1] [Video 0 (still images)] [Video 1 (still images)]
  7. J. Lee, Y. Kim, J. Yun, J. Yun, W. Cheong, and I. Ihm, "Disocclusion-Reducing Geometry for Multiple RGB-D Video Streams," 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (Abstracts and Workshops), pp. 603-604, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2021. [video (Teaser)] [video]
  8. J. Kim, J. Song, W. Seo, I. Ihm, S. Yoon, and S. Park, "XR Framework for Collaborating Remote Heterogeneous Devices," 27th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2020 Posters), Atlanta, U.S.A., March 2020. [video]
  9. J. An, S. Lee, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Similarity Graph-Based Camera Tracking for Effective 3D Geometry Reconstruction with Mobile RGB-D Camera," Sensors, Vol. 19, No. 22:4897, November 2019. [video]
  10. J. An, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Construction of a Flexible and Scalable 4D Light Field Camera Array Using Raspberry Pi Clusters," The Visual Computer, Vol. 35, Issue 10, pp. 1475-1488, October 2019. See also [video (Refocusing with focus breathing)] [video (Refocusing without focus breathing)] [video (Depth-of-feld control)] [video (Zooming in)] [video (Moving the virtual camera)]
  11. W. Chun, G. Choi, J. An, W. Seo, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "On Sharing Physical Geometric Space between Augmented and Virtual Reality Environments," 26th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2019 Posters), pp. 884-885, Osaka, Japan, March 2019. [video (3D scene modeling)] [video (Mixed reality game)]
  12. J.-H. Park and I. Ihm, "A Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding a One-to-Many 3-Disjoint Path Cover in the Cube of a Connected Graph," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 142, Issue 2, pp. 57-63, February 2019.
  13. J. An, J. Lee, J. Jeong, and I. Ihm, "Tracking an RGB-D Camera on Mobile Devices Using an Improved Frame-to-Frame Pose Estimation Method," IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision 2018 (WACV 2018), pp. 1142-1150, Lake Tahoe, U.S.A., March 2018. [video (Table Scene)] [video (Office Scene)] [video (Room Scene)] [video (System demo)]
  14. W. Seo, Y. Kim, and I. Ihm, "Effective Ray Tracing of Large 3D Scenes through Mobile Distributed Computing," SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, Article No. 3 (5 pages), Bangkok, Thailand, November 2017. [Representative image 1] [Representative image 2] [video (PowerPlant-12.7M triangles)] [video (SanMiguel-10.5M triangles)] [video (Tile-based ray tracing)] [video (System demo)]
  15. I. Ihm and J.-H. Park, "A Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding a Paired 2-Disjoint Path Cover in the Cube of a Connected Graph," Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 218, pp. 98-112, February 2017.
  16. W.-J. Lee, S. J. Hwang, Y. Shin, S. Ryu, and I. Ihm, "Adaptive Multi-Rate Ray Sampling on Mobile Ray Tracing GPU," SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, Article No. 3 (5 pages), Macau, December 2016.
  17. I. Ihm, Y. Kim, J. Lee, J. Jeong, and I. Park, "Low-Cost Depth Camera Pose Tracking for Mobile Platforms," 15th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Poster Papers, pp. 123-126, Merida, Mexico, September 2016. [image (Scanning results)] [video (Desk-Structure-Sensor (captured))] [video (Office-Kinect-Sensor)] [video (Desk-Kinect-Sensor)] [video (Desk-Structure-Sensor)] [video (2-Men-Structure-Sensor)]
  18. B. Chang, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Ray Tracing-based Interactive Diffuse Indirect Illumination," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, No. 12, pp. 7371-7390, June 2016. [video]
  19. Y. Kim, W. Seo, Y. Kim, Y. Lim, J. Nah, and I. Ihm, "Adaptive Undersampling for Efficient Mobile Ray Tracing," The Visual Computer (Computer Graphics International 2016), Vol. 32, No. 6-8, pp. 801-811, June 2016. [image (CAFE)] [image (BEN)] [image (CONFERENCE)] [image (KITCHEN)] [image (KITCHEN (2x2))] [image (KITCHEN (4x4))] [image (BATHROOM)] [image (BATHROOM (2x2))] [image (BATHROOM (4x4))] [image (SAN MIGUEL)] [video (KITCHEN)] [video (BATHROOM)] [presentation]
  20. B. Choi, W. Seo, and I. Ihm, "Enhancing Time and Space Efficiency of Kd-tree for Ray-tracing Static Scenes," ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Posters, August 2015.
  21. B. Chang, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Diffuse Global Illumination in Particle Spaces," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, No. 13, pp. 4987-5006, July 2015. [graphical abstract] [video (CBOX)] [video (SPONZA)] [video (CONFERENCE)] [video (BATHROOM) ] [video (MAZE)]
  22. J.-H. Park and I. Ihm, "Many-to-many Two-disjoint Path Covers in Cylindrical and Toroidal Grids," Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 185, pp. 168-191, April 2015.
  23. B. Chang, W. Seo, and I. Ihm, "On the Efficient Implementation of a Real-time Kd-tree Construction Algorithm," In Y. Cai and S. See (Eds.), GPU Computing and Applications, Chapter 13, Springer, pp. 207-219, January 2015. [video 1] [video 2]
  24. J.-H. Park and I. Ihm, "Disjoint Path Covers in Cubes of Connected Graphs," Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 325, pp. 65-73, June 2014.
  25. B. Chang, S. Woo, and I. Ihm, "GPU-based Parallel Construction of Compact Visual Hull Meshes," The Visual Computer, Vol. 30, Issue 2, pp. 201-211, February 2014. [real-time captured video on two GPUs] [before and after silhouette smoothing]
  26. B. Chang, W. Seo, and I. Ihm, "On the Efficient Implementation of a Real-time Kd-tree Construction Algorithm," 2013 Symposium on GPU Computing and Applications, Singapore, October 2013. [presentation]
  27. B. Choi, B. Chang, and I. Ihm, "Improving Memory Space Efficiency of Kd-tree for Real-time Ray Tracing," Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2013), Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 335-344, October 2013. [images] [presentation]
  28. S. Na, B. Choi, B. Chang, G. Lee, and I. Ihm, "A Hybrid Rendering Algorithm for Mobile Devices," Global 3D Tech Forum 2013 , Seoul, October 2013. [image 1] [image 2]
  29. J.-H. Park and I. Ihm, "Single-Source Three-Disjoint Path Covers in Cubes of Connected Graphs," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 113, Issues 14-16, pp. 527-532, July-August 2013.
  30. J.-H. Park and I. Ihm, "Strong Matching Preclusion under the Conditional Fault Model," Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 161, Issues 7-8, pp. 1093-1105, May 2013.
  31. B. Choi, B. Chang, and I. Ihm, "Construction of Efficient Kd-Trees for Static Scenes Using Voxel-visibility Heuristic," Computers & Graphics, Vol. 36, Issue 1, pp. 38-48, February 2012. [more]
  32. J.-H. Park and I. Ihm, "Strong Matching Preclusion," Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, Issue 45, pp. 6409-6419, October 2011.
  33. H. Kim, I. Ihm, and K. Choi, "Generation of Non-Uniform Meshes for Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations," Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 128-132, January 2011.
  34. B. Jin, I. Ihm, B. Chang, C. Park, W. Lee, and S. Jung, "Selective and Adaptive Supersampling for Real-Time Ray Tracing," HPG 2009: The 1st ACM Conference on High-Performance Graphics, pp. 117-125, New Orleans, U.S.A., August 2009. [more]
  35. D. Cha, S. Son, and I. Ihm, "GPU-Assisted High Quality Particle Rendering," Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2009), Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 1247-1255, July 2009. [more]
  36. Y. Jang and I. Ihm, "Chemical Kinetics-Assisted, Path-Based Smoke Simulation," Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (The 22nd Annual Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agent), Vol. 20, No. 2-3, pp. 247-256, June 2009. [more]
  37. B. Chang, D. Cha, and I. Ihm, "Computing Local Signed Distance Fields for Large Polygonal Models," Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis 2008: Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization), Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 799-806, May 2008. [more]
  38. S. Park, W. Kim, and I. Ihm, "Mobile Collaborative Medical Display System," Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 89, No. 3, pp. 248-260, March 2008. [more]
  39. B. Kang, Y. Jang, and I. Ihm, "Animation of Chemically Reactive Fluids Using a Hybrid Simulation Method," ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 199-208, San Diego, U.S.A., August 2007. [more]
  40. J. Kim, I. Ihm, and D. Cha, "View-Dependent Adaptive Animation of Liquids," ETRI Journal, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 697-708, December 2006. [more]
  41. J. Kim, D. Cha, B. Chang, B. Koo, I. Ihm, "Practical Animation of Turbulent Splashing Water," ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 335-344, Vienna, Austria, September 2006. [more]
  42. I. Ihm, B. Chang, H. Lee, T. Chung, J. Braunstein, H. Kim, "An Algorithm for Generation of Non-uniform Meshes for Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations," The 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation 2006, Miami, U.S.A., April 2006.
  43. I. Ihm, D. Cha, and B. Kang, "Controllable Local Monotonic Cubic Interpolation in Fluid Animations," Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agent), Vol. 16, No. 3-4, pp. 365-375, July 2005. [more]
  44. B. Kang, I. Ihm, and C. Bajaj, "Extending the Photon Mapping Method for Realistic Rendering of Hot Gaseous Fluids," Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agent), Vol. 16, No. 3-4, pp. 353-363, July 2005. [more]
  45. I. Ihm, B. Kang, and D. Cha, "Exploring Chemical Kinetics for Fluid Animation (Abstract)," Symposium on Scientific Visualization in the Computational Sciences and Engineering (8th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics), Austin, U.S.A., July 2005.
  46. I. Ihm, H. Kim, and B. Chang, "Effective Generation of Nonuniform 3D Meshes for Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations," COMPUMAG 2005: The 15th Conf. on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, pp. 12-13, Shenyang, China, June 2005.
  47. C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, J. Min, and J. Oh, "SIMD Optimization of Linear Expressions for Programmable Graphics Hardware," Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 697-714, December 2004. <notice> [more]
  48. I. Ihm, B. Kang, and D. Cha, "Animation of Reactive Gaseous Fluids through Chemical Kinetics," ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 203-212, Grenoble, France, August 2004. [more]
  49. S. Park, C. Bajaj, and I. Ihm, "Visualization of Very Large Oceanography Time-Varying Volume Datasets," ICCS 2004 (LNCS 3037), pp. 419-426, Krakow, Poland, June 2004. [more]
  50. H. Kim, I. Ihm, W. Min, and T. Chung, "An Effective Mesh Generator for the Large Complex Model with Abrupt Regions Using Efficient Node Placements," ASAEM 2003, pp. 117, Seoul, Korea, October 2003.
  51. I. Ihm, B. Lee, J.-Y. Lee, M. Joh, and S. Park, "Interactive Stereoscopic Visualization of Very Large Visible Men on CAVE," ICCSA 2003 (LNCS 2667), pp. 41-50, Montreal, Canada, May 2003. [more]
  52. M. Im, J. Lee, H. Park, M. Joh, M. Chung, and I. Ihm, "Real-Time Stereoscopic Visualization of Visible Korean Human (VKH) Dataset on CAVE," The 6th Korea-Germany Joint Workshop on Advanced Medical Image Processing, pp. 140-147, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2002.
  53. C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, and S. Park, "Visualization-Specific Compression of Large Volume Data,", Pacific Graphics 2001, pp. 212-222, Tokyo, Japan, October 2001. [more]
  54. S. Park, S. Park, C. Bajaj, and I. Ihm, "Hardware-Accelerated Multipipe Parallel Rendering of Large Data Stream," Israel-Korea Binational Conference on Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics, pp. 45-55, Seoul, Korea, October 2001.
  55. C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, and S. Park, "3D RGB Image Compression for Interactive Applications," ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 10-38, January 2001. [more]
  56. C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, and S. Park, "Compression-Based 3D Texture Mapping for Real-Time Rendering," Graphical Models, Vol. 62. No. 6, pp. 391-410, November 2000. [more]
  57. R. Lee, and I. Ihm, "On Enhancing the Speed of Splatting Using Both Object- and Image-Space Coherence," Graphical Models, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 263-282, July 2000. [more]
  58. C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, S. Park, and D. Song, "Compression-Based Ray Casting of Very Large Volume Data in Distributed Environments," HPC-Asia 2000: The Fourth International Conference/Exhibition on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, pp.720-725, Beijing, China, May 2000.
  59. C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, and S. Park, "Making 3D Textures Practical," Pacific Graphics '99, pp.259-268, Seoul, Korea, October 1999.
  60. C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, G. Koo, and S. Park, "Parallel Ray Casting of Visible Human on Distributed Memory Architectures," VisSym '99: Joint EUROGRAPHICS - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization, pp.269-276, Vienna, Austria, May 1999. [more]
  61. I. Ihm, and S. Park, "Wavelet-Based 3D Compression Scheme for Interactive Visualization of Very Large Volume Data," Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 3-15, March 1999. [more]
  62. S. Park, G. Koo, and I. Ihm, "Wavelet-Based 3D Compression Schemes for the Visible Human Dataset and Their Applications," The Visible Human Project Conference '98, Maryland, U.S.A., October 1998.
  63. I. Ihm, and S. Park, "Wavelet-Based 3D Compression Scheme for Very Large Volume Data," Graphics Interface '98, pp.107-116, Vancouver, Canada, June 1998.
  64. I. Ihm, S. Park, and R. Lee, "Rendering of Spherical Light Fields," Pacific Graphics '97, pp.59-68, Seoul, Korea, October 1997. [more]
  65. I. Ihm, and R. Lee, "Indexing Data Structures for Faster Volume Rendering," Computers & Graphics, Vol. 21. No. 4, pp. 497-506, July/August 1997. [more]
  66. I. Ihm, and R. Lee, "On Enhancing the Speed of Splatting with Indexing," IEEE Visualization '95, pp.69-76, Atlanta, U.S.A., October 1995.
  67. I. Ihm, T. Park, Y. C. Wee, and S. Y. Shin, "On Using Curvature Characteristics for Polygonal Models," Computer Graphics International '94, pp.267-278, Melbourne, Australia, June 1994. [more]
  68. C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, and J. Warren, "Higher-Order Interpolation and Least-Squares Approximation Using Implicit Algebraic Surfaces," ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 327-347, October 1993. [more]
  69. C. Bajaj, and I. Ihm, "Lower Degree Approximation of Surfaces for Revolved Objects," Graphics Interface '93, pp.33-41, Toronto, Canada, May 1993. [more]
  70. V. Anupam, C. Bajaj, S. Cutchin, S. Evans, I. Ihm, J. Chen, A. Royappa, D. Schikore, and G. Xu, "Scientific Problem Solving in a Distributed and Collaborative Geometric Environment," 3rd International Conference on Expert Systems for Numerical Computing, pp. 17-19, West Lafayette, U.S.A., May 1993.
  71. C. Bajaj, and I. Ihm, "Smoothing Polyhedra Using Implicit Algebraic Splines," Computer Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH '92), Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 79-88, Chicago, U.S.A., July 1992. [more]
  72. C. Bajaj, and I. Ihm, "Algebraic Surface Design with Hermite Interpolation," ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 61-91, January 1992. [more]
  73. I. Ihm, and B. Naylor, "Piecewise Linear Approximations of Digitized Space curves with Applications," Computer Graphics International '91, pp.545-569, Boston, U.S.A., June 1991. [more]
  74. C. Bajaj, and I. Ihm, "Hermite Interpolation Using Real Algebraic Surfaces," The Fifth Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 94-103, Saarbruchen, W. Germany, June 1989.


  1. I. Ihm, Y. Kim, W. Seo, J. Park, J. Nah, and Y. Lim,Digital device and method of processing data the same, Korea Patent #10-2557573, July 2023. (with LG Electronics)
  2. I. Ihm and Y. Kim, A 3D background model construction method based on ray tracing for disocclusion filling and a depth image based view synthesis method using the 3D background model construction method, Korea Patent Application #10-2023-0007341, January 2023.
  3. I. Ihm and J. An, VR system being capable of sharing physical space among different VR system and method of aligning coordinate in the VR system, Korea Patent Application #10-2023-0006529, January 2023.
  4. I. Ihm and Y. Kim, Method for ray tracing for virtual reality headset based on selective sampling, Korea Patent Application #10-2021-0148569, November 2021.
  5. I. Ihm and J. An, Method of position tracker signal processing for space alignment between real and virtual worlds, Korea Patent Application #10-2021-0073749, June 2021.
  6. I. Ihm and J. An, Method and coordinate-alignment apparatus for sharing physical space between the virtual-reality and augmented-reality devices, Korea Patent #10-2152217, August 2020.
  7. I. Ihm, W. Seo, H. Chung, Y. Joo and J. Yun,Image processing method and system for virtual objects in mixed-reality service, Korea Patent #10-2132388, July 2020.
  8. I. Ihm, W. Seo and Y. Chung, Method of depth map filtering and multi-level predictor-corrector for accuracy enhancement of pose estimation for RGB-D camera, Korea Patent #10-1956312, March 2019.
  9. I. Ihm, Method and apparatus of camera tracking for streaming images from depth camera, Korea Patent #10-1793975, October 2017.
  10. I. Ihm, B. Chang, B. Choi, C. Park, S. Son, and S. Jung, Method and apparatus for constructing kd-tree based on voxel visibility, Korea Patent #10-1788583, October 2017. (with Samsung Electronics)
  11. I. Ihm and J. Kim, Method of producing panoramic video having reduced discontinuity for images, Korea Patent #10-1741699, May 2017.
  12. I. Ihm, D. Cha, C. Park, and S. Son, Image processing apparatus and method, Korea Patent #10-1653203, August 2016. (with Samsung Electronics)
  13. I. Ihm, B. Jin, C. Park, W. Lee, and S. Jung, Image processing apparatus and method, Korea Patent #10-1615656, April 2016. (with Samsung Electronics)
  14. I. Ihm, B. Jin, C. Park, W. Lee, and S. Jung, Image processing apparatus and method, U.S. Patent 9,001,144 B2, April 2015. (with Samsung Electronics)
  15. I. Ihm, D. Cha, C. Park, and S. Son, Image processing apparatus and method of rendering using a ray tracing scheme, U.S. Patent 8,836,695 B2, September 2014. (with Samsung Electronics)
  16. I. Ihm, S. Na, W. Seo, and Y. Kim, Method for rotating virtual camera on touchscreen-based device, Korea Patent #10-1420727, July 2014.
  17. I. Ihm, B. Choi, and B. Chang, Method and apparatus of processing polygon data of spatial acceleration structure, Korea Patent #10-1373174, March 2014.
  18. I. Ihm, B. Chang, and B. Choi, Method for constructing an intersection-test acceleration data structure based on polygon importance, Korea Patent #10-1228118, January 2013.
  19. I. Ihm and D. Cha, Rendering method for indirect illumination effect, Korea Patent #10-0951121, March 2010.
  20. S. Park, W. Kim, and I. Ihm, Rendering server system having multiple gateway, gateway system therefor, and method thereof, Korea Patent #10-0904498, June 2009. (with Dongguk Univ.)
  21. I. Ihm and J. Oh, Technique for graphics data processing and transformation of linear expressions, designed for graphics processor, Korea Patent #10-0533883, November 2005.
  22. I. Ihm and H. Kang, Method for generating stereoscopic image from 2D images, Korea Patent #10-0436904, June 2004.

Domestic Journal Papers

    KIISE: The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (the former KISS)
    KISS: The Korea Information Science Society
    KCGS: The Korea Computer Graphics Society
  1. B. Choi, S. Kim, and I. Ihm, "Analysis of Spatial Acceleration Structures for Efficient Implementation of Ray Tracing", Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 640-645, December 2011.
  2. B. Chang, B. Jin, and I. Ihm, "Photon-mapping Based High-quality Real-time Global Illumination for Static Scenes", Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters, Vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 536-547, October 2011.
  3. D. Cha, Y. Yi, and I. Ihm, "Enhancement Techniques for GPU-based Rendering of Participating Media", Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters, Vol. 16, No. 12, pp. 1165-1176, December 2010.
  4. S. Kim, D. Kim, S. Woo, and I. Ihm, "Analysis of Programming Techniques for Creating Optimized CUDA Software", Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 775-787, July 2010.
  5. S. Min and I. Ihm, "Density Estimation Techniques for Effective Representation of Light In-scattering", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 9-20, March 2010.
  6. B. Chang and I. Ihm, "Performance Analysis and Enhancing Techniques of Kd-tree Traversal Methods on GPU", Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 177-185, February 2010.
  7. D. Cha and I. Ihm, "Analysis of Harmonic Mean Distance Calculation in Global Illumination Algorithms", Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 186-200, February 2010.
  8. K. Song and I. Ihm, "Photon Mapping-based Rendering Techniques for Smoke Particles", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 7-18, December 2008.
  9. Y. Suh and I. Ihm, "Two Efficient Methods for Generating Depth-of-Field", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 31-46, September 2008.
  10. Y. Lee, D. Cha, B. Chang, and I. Ihm, "Local Parameterization of Polygonal Models Using Projection Level Set", Journal of KIISE: Computer Systems and Theory, Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 641-655, December 2007.
  11. S. Park, W. Kim, and I. Ihm, "Development of Mobile Volume Visualization System", Journal of KISS: Computing Practices, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 286-299, October 2006.
  12. J. Kim, I. Ihm, and D. Cha, "Physically-based View-Dependent Liquid Animation", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 16-25, June 2005.
  13. B. Kang, J. Kim, and I. Ihm, "Case Study: Software Development for Physically-based Water and Reactive Gas Animation", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 17-27, September 2004.
  14. B. Kang and I. Ihm, "Realistic Rendering of Explosion and Flame Using Photon-Mapping", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 40-51, September 2004.
  15. B. Kang, D. Cha, J. Kim, and I. Ihm, "Fluid-Dynamics-Based Animation Effects", Communications of KISS, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 30-38, July 2003.
  16. M. Im, J. Lee, M. Joh, S. Lee, and I. Ihm, "Real-Time Stereoscopic Visualization of Very Large Volume Data on CAVE", Journal of KISS: Computing Practices, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 679-691, December 2002.
  17. J. Oh and I. Ihm, "Optimization Techniques for Vertex Programming on Programmable GPU", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 25-34, September 2002.
  18. H. Park and I. Ihm, "Post-Rendering 3D Warping Using Projective Texture", Journal of KISS: Computer Systems and Theory, Vol. 29, No. 7,8, pp. 431-439, August 2002.
  19. B. Kang and I. Ihm, "Real-Time Shadow Generation Using Image Warping", Journal of KISS: Computing Systems and Theory, Vol. 29, No. 5,6, pp. 245-256, June 200.2
  20. B. Kang and I. Ihm, "Exploiting Programmable Shaders in Hardware-Assisted Volume Rendering", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 23-29, June 2002.
  21. S. Park, S. Park, C. Bajaj and I. Ihm, "Hardware-Accelerated Multipipe Parallel Rendering of Large Data Streams", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 21-28, June 2001.
  22. J. Lee and I. Ihm, "Real-Time Shadow Generation Using Image-Based Rendering Technique", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 27-35, March 2001.
  23. G. Koo, S. Park, D. Song, I. Ihm, "Compression-Based Volume Rendering on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers", Journal of KISS: Computing Practices, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 457-467, October 2000.
  24. R. Lee, I. Ihm, "Speed Enhancement Technique for Ray Casting Using 2D Resampling", Journal of KISS: Computer Systems and Theory, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 691-700, August 2000.
  25. K. Im, I. Ihm, "MIRAGE: a Multi-Server-Based Network Toolkit for Multi-User Collaboration", Journal of KISS (C), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 63-78, February 1999.
  26. R. Lee and I. Ihm, "On Enhancing the Speed of Splatting Using Image-Space Coherence", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 4, No. 2, December 1998.
  27. R. Lee, K. Paek, H. Han, W. Jung, H. Jung, K. Im, M. Park, I. Ihm, "Design and Implementation of an Advanced Rendering System", Journal of KISS (C), Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 633-643, October 1998.
  28. T. Rhee, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "An Effective Visualization Technique for Huge Volume Data", Journal of KISS (A), Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 846-857, September 1997.
  29. K. Paek, and I. Ihm, "SGVR: A Collaborative Volume Visualization System", Journal of KISS (A), Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 417-428, May 1997.
  30. S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Construction of Revolved-Surface Design Tools Using Implicit Algebraic Functions", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 31-38, June 1996.
  31. K. Paek, R. Lee, and I. Ihm, "Enhancing the Speed of Splatting with Indexing and Implementation of the user Interface", Journal of KISS (A), Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 443-453, May 1996.
  32. S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Construction of Curve Design Tools Using Implicit Algebraic Functions", Journal of KCGS, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 11-16, March 1995.

Domestic Conference Papers

  1. R. Choi and . Ihm, "Multi-View Background Image Technique for Effective Real-time Rendering of Live-action Immersive Video", The HCI Conference (Winter), pp.374-379, Gangwon, Feb, 2025.
  2. J. Lee and . Ihm, "Real-Time Shadow Generation Using Image-Based Rendering Techniques", The KISS Conference (Spring), pp.628-630, Daegu, April, 2000.
  3. D. Song, S. Park and I. Ihm, "Compression-Based Ray-Casting of Huge Volume Data on Distributed Memory Environments", The KISS Conference (Spring), pp.634-636, Daegu, April, 2000.
  4. S. YI, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Performance Enhancement of Light Field Rendering Using a New Compression Technique", The KISS Conference (Spring), pp.653-655, Mokpo, April, 1999.
  5. G. Koo, S. Park, D. Song, and I. Ihm, "Data-Compression-Based Volume Rendering on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers ", The KISS Conference (Spring), pp.668-670. Mokpo, April, 1999.
  6. S. Park and I. Ihm, "Development of Wavelet-Based 3D Compression Scheme and Navigation System for Interactive Visualization of Very Large Volume Data", Korea Simulation Society '98, pp.114-119, Chungju, November, 1998.
  7. R. Lee, and I. Ihm, "On Enhancing the Speed of Splatting Using Image-Space Coherence ", Computer Graphics Society '98, pp.95-108, Daejun, Aug., 1998.
  8. S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Effective Compression of Very Large Volume Data", The KISS Conference (Spring), pp.359-361, Daejun, April, 1998.
  9. S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Development of Volume Navigation System SGVN for the Visible Human Data", The KISS Conference (Spring), pp.362-364, Daejun, April, 1998.
  10. S. Park, G. Koo, and I. Ihm, "Research on Effective Visualization of the Visible Human Dataset (Abstract)", '97 SERI Supercomputing Workshop, pp.28-29, Daejun,Nov., 1997.
  11. R. Lee, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Image-Based Rendering Using Spheres ", The KISS Conference (Spring), pp.383-386, Chuncheon, April, 1997.
  12. R. Lee, K. Paek, H. Han, W. Jung, S. Eo, and I. Ihm, "Design and Implementation of an Advanced Rendering System", The KISS Conference (Fall), Yongin, Oct., 1996.
  13. T. Rhee, S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Development of Visualization Toolkits for Effective Rendering of Huge Volume Data", The KISS Conference (Spring), pp.731-734, Daegu, April, 1996.
  14. I. Ihm, and T. Rhee, "On Effective Rendering of Huge Volume Data", Korea CAD/CAM Society Conference '96, pp.234-239, Seoul, Feb., 1996.
  15. S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Construction of Revolved-Surface Design Tools Using Implicit Algebraic Functions ", Computer Graphics Society '95, pp.52-57, Seoul, Nov. 1995.
  16. T. Rhee, K. Baek, R. Lee, and I. Ihm, "Case Study: Construction of Sogang Volume Rendering System V0.55", Computer Graphics Society '95, pp.112-114, Seoul, Nov. 1995.
  17. K. Paek, T. Rhee, R. Lee, and I. Ihm, "SGVR: Construction of Scientific Visualization System for Collaboration", The KISS Conference (Fall), Incheon, Oct., 1995.
  18. R. Lee, and I. Ihm, "Speed Enhancing Technique for Splatting Using Indexing", The KISS Conference (Spring), Kwangju, April, 1995.
  19. I. Ihm, and S. Shin, "Visualization of Gaussian Curvature for Polyhedral and Volumetric Models", Computer Graphics Society '94, pp.3-8, Daejun, Oct. 1994.
  20. S. Park, and I. Ihm, "Construction of Curve Design Tools Using Implicit Algebraic Functions", Computer Graphics Society '94, pp.92-97, Daejun, Oct. 1994.